It’s an honor founding Intuitive By Nature to support tuning into your intuition to nurture your joy-driven life.

The road here has been quite the ever-unfolding adventure involving incredible mentors, deep inner-work, and leading an intuition research project where I had the honor of interviewing 50 highly intuitive people from around the world on their journey connecting with their intuition.

The findings from that research project were life changing.

Throughout the research, people shared over and over again that the more they developed an intentional relationship with their intuition the better life got. They shared their leadership decisions became easier, they became less stressed and healthier, and they were better parents and humans. It was beautiful.

These findings led me to create the Intuitive by Nature that I’m honored to share with you today.

It’s wonderful being in your corner supporting your intuition connection in your journey returning home to you.

With Love,


  • Joyfully nurturing empowered living and conscious leadership through intuition research, education and immersive experiences.

  • We envision a world where individuals are deeply connected to their intuition, leading with authenticity, compassion, and purpose, ultimately fostering positive change, collective well-being, and expanded consciousness.

  • I hold an MFA in Design from Savannah College of Art and Design focusing on Environmental Psychology and Biophilic Design & a B.S. in Interior Design from The University of Tennessee at Knoxville (Go Vols!).

    Additionally, I've completed an intensive 250+ hour intuition mentorship with Jamie Butler as well as a year-long Shaman-led intuition development training program, Moonrise. These sacred experiences furthered my passion for our humanities' rich interconnection with nature and each other all while being an deep lover of life.

    Want to know more? Just ask. I’m happy to share anything from my journey to support you in yours.

  • Hi There!

    Allow me to share a little life journey with you.

    I was a type-A analytical person who had worked for the previous decade+ in the corporate world, as an academic research professor and consultant to corporations when my intuition opened in full force.

    I started receiving visual “pictures” during meditation. It’s like seeing things on a movie screen in my “mind’s eye”. I also feel those “pictures” as information in my body.

    Needless to say, it was hard for me and my researcher analytical mind to step into this support at first. I was scared. I was nervous. Each day I just kept showing up and trusting the nudges of that intuition.

    After working with incredible mentors and diving deeper into my own personal development, healing and intuition embodiment, I found myself at this cross-roads in life.

    So, ”Am I a researcher and professor OR a highly sensitive intuitive empath?” The answer was “Yes” to both.

    So I led a research project where I had the honor of interviewing over 50 highly intuitive people from around the world on their journey connecting with their intuition.

    The findings changed my life.

    In the research conversations with people who had developed an intentional relationship with their intuition, people shared over and over how their intuitive connection added immeasurably to their lives. These were conversations with people from all walks of life- doctors, CPAs, nurses, therapists, psychics, mediums, reiki masters and a range of professions in-between all sharing similar experiences.

    They shared the more they honored, trusted and embodied their intuitive abilities the happier they felt. They shared they were calmer and less stressed.

    The more they anchored into their abilities the more aligned they felt in life. They shared life just flowed better and that nurturing their intuitive connection supported them in being better parents, stronger leaders and more aligned with their life-purpose.


    These findings were the driver of creating the Intuitive By Nature that I’m honored to share with you today.

    After this project and my own experience, I believe:

    ~we all have intuitive abilities.

    ~we can have a darn good time while connecting with them.

    ~we have so much to learn from nature throughout the process. We are it. It is us.

    In the noise of our lives we can often numb ourselves from that connection. I know I certainly did for a long time.

    Thank you for hearing the journey so far.

    What do you say we keep tuning into that deep universal wisdom of our intuition each day. While we’re at it, let’s keep doing our part to make this world an even better place in the process. :)